When you lose a sister, you lose a friend! One of our MVPs in life is our Sister! Shannon King was a day 1 Queen in our sisterhood. She came into our group full of love and light, ready to build bonds and make connections with our Sister Queens. She was so proud to be a Queen. She used her gift to help within the sisterhood whenever it was needed. She went above and beyond for our sisterhood. She always made our sisterhood a Priority. She poured into Queens, she gave words of encouragement, and she pushed Queens whenever it was needed.
Shannon served within our sisterhood She did her part and left her mark! She was our push when we wanted to stop/give up. If we needed a break due to life, she never understood that because she understood the true meaning of our sisterhood and why Queens of Da MIL was created.
Shannon touched many lives/hearts. She was truly one of a kind. My positive Queen! We love & miss you soooo much! Thank you, Queen, for EVERYTHING!
Lord, I/we thank you for blessing us with our Sister Queen Shannon for many years. Although we still don't understand, we accept that you had better plans. Continue to watch over us. Keep our sisterhood & her family/friends strong, give us understanding, strength, comfort, and peace. Some need to be fully restored and have joy again. Others need to let go of grudges and realize how short life is. Lord, hugs us today. Help her mom, her babies, her man, her Sister Queens, her family, her friends and anyone connected to Shannon get through today. Let us smile from memories and the impact she left in the world and the things she did for all of us. Lord, let Shannon light shine bright today. In Jesus' name, Amen
Sending love, hugs, and prayers to our sisterhood, her mom, her babies, her man, her family, her friends and everyone connected to her.
Today, we celebrated her life & having our sisterhood together as she would want! She will forever live within our sisterhood!